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Updated February 1, 2007
"In recent years, scientific research has shown that when people with genital herpes take antiviral medications such as Valtrex, Famvir or acyclovir, not only is the virus suppressed, but a dramatic reduction in shedding of herpes simplex virus occurs. Additional studies, endorsed by the FDA, have shown that the regular use of Valtrex and Famvir can also protect an infected person's sexual partner.
The Medical Advisory Board of Herpes.org supports the conclusion that Valtrex and Famvir can be used to reduce the risk of spreading genital herpes when used in combination with safer-sex practices -- condom use and abstinence during outbreaks.
Thus, we recommend that people with genital herpes should consider taking their prescribed antiviral medication on a regular, suppressive basis in an attempt to help, as much as possible, to protect an uninfected sexual partner from becoming infected.
Individuals interested in taking suppressive therapy in this manner should contact their private physicians to discuss this matter."